Geelong Real Estate Agent partnership local community

700 meals for families

Geelong Real Estate Agent partnership local community

We’ve donated over 700 families a hot meal thanks to the amazing Geelong charity Feed Me Bellerine. This is to celebrate hitting an incredibly humbling milestone of 700 5 star reviews on Google. Being the #1 rated real estate business in Geelong to us, isn’t a popularity contest, its an obligation to living up to the community’s perception of our brand.

It’s non negotiable to us that we give back to the Geelong community that gives so much to us.

And there’s no better Geelong Organisation than Feed me. They’ve donated over 1.5 million meals across Geelong, the Bellarine and the Surf Coast and saved over 50,000Kg of supermarket produce from landfill.

If you can, follow them on social and consider donating to a Geelong Family in need